Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Thousand Youths Participate in ‘Sarhad ko Pranam’ expedition, form human chain at borders

Source: News Bharati English       

Ten thousand youth across the Nation participating in ‘Sarhad Ko Pranam’ expedition, visited more than 469villages situated in the border areas and interacted with local people, personnel from security forces and local administration officials. The youth teams have made some crucial observations about the situation on the order. The exercise is currently going on to collect all the data from the participating teams. The observations will soon be made public.
Talking about the experiences, Adv. Shrihari Desai & Gen DB shekatkar remembered a Jawan on the kutchh border asking, “After 1947, India is only giving away our own land to some or the other neighbours. When will this stop?”

Mumbai, November 23 : Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS) organized a novel expedition “Sarhad ko Pranam - 2012” during 19 – 23 November 2012. As part of the expedition, Ten Thousand youths visited the Indian land border areas. FINS national president Gen DB Shekatkar & Secretary Adv. Shrihari Desai addressing a news conference today here, informed about the expedition. They also shared some experiences of the participants at the border.

Adv. Desai said, those youths visited more than 469 villages situated in the border areas & had dialogue with local brethren, militarymen who are guarding the borders with an eagle’s eye & local administration officials. The youth teams made many crucial observations about the situation on the order. An exercise is going on to collect the data on experiences of the participants & observations made by the youth teams about the border areas. Soon the data will be made public by the FINS.

The expedition witnessed the participation of 250 youths from Mumbai & two thousand youth from across the Maharashtra state. The programme was aimed at creating awareness among the youth about the borders of the nation & the situation there, on the occasion of the 50 years of the Chinese aggression of 1962. International land borders situated across the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Assom, Tripura, Pashchim Bang, were covered during this programme.
The participating youths got an opportunity to understand the situation at the border during the two days stay at the villages on the border. They talked with the citizens as well as the officials from the local administration and observed the local public-social life. They tried to understand the nature of the problems of the people and the administration & military at the border.

The visiting youth teams successfully conveyed the message to the Military & the citizens living at the border that the people of the nation are with them at the times of any crisis.

The National borders must be secured with utmost care. But the news slipping in from few months  suggest that the borders everywhere are facing eminent danger from the neighbouring enemies. One of the aims of “Sarhad ko Pranam” was to try to awaken the Government & the administration about the situation on the borders.

The FINS takes this opportunity to call upon the Government to take adequate measures to protect & safeguard the Borders of Bharat & make it a safest place.

Human Chain

The visiting teams of the youth along with local citizens at the border & local officials of the  administration formed a human chain on Wednesday, 22nd November and vowed to work together for the National Integration and Security.

'Kasab’s Execution: We Need a New Strategic Culture’; writes RSS functionary Ram Madhav

by Ram Madhav, Akhil Bharatiya Sah Sampark Pramukh, RSS: 

Ram Madhav

India has earned the sobriquet ‘Soft State’ due to its handling of terrorism and hostile neighbours over the years. After the hanging of Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist responsible for Mumbai attacks in 2008, some commentators opined that India has now shed the image of a Soft State. Is it true?

There is no denying the fact that the decision of the Government to hang Kasab after his mercy plea was rejected by Hon’ President Sri Pranab Mukharjee has certainly given a sense of relief to the people of the country. After all we brought one dreaded terrorist to justice, they felt. The Government, and especially Shri Pranab Mukharjee, must be complimented for their swiftness and boldness.

However it will be premature to conclude that we have shed the Soft State tag completely. Actually it is not about just a couple of decisions. Demands have arisen, correctly, that the other dreaded terrorist who was responsible for the carnage at the Parliament building in 2001,Afzal Guru, be also executed immediately. His mercy plea is pending before the President at the moment. The nation hopes that Afzal Guru too will join Kasab soon.

But these decisions are in a way inevitable ones. The judicial process was duly completed and the Government is only expected to follow the procedures in these cases.
But for us to change our image we need to do a lot more. The opposite to Soft State is not Hard or Harsh State. What we need is a Stern State, a polity that betrays zero tolerance to attacks on its sovereignty, dignity and integrity.

Countries like Israel, USA and even Russia display such attitude. It is in their culture. Israel is by culture driven by fight back instinct. It is not ‘teeth for teeth’ with them; ‘for one tooth, the entire jaw’. That is the reason why in spite of being surrounded by the enemy 5 times larger in terms of demography and military strength and sworn to wipe out Israel from the map of the world, they not only merely survive, but lead a life of strength, courage and pragmatism.
India is driven by an instinct of compromise. We may pay lip sympathy to Gaza by asking Israel not to use disproportionate force; but one has to be on the other side of the Gaza border to understand what it means to be a target of Hamas terrorism. Everything is fair in love and war, they say. We ourselves were victims of excessive softness in 1962 when waves and waves of Chinese soldiers had invaded our territory outnumbering our soldiers by 1:6. Excessive force argument doesn’t have any merit in a war; and Israel is in a perpetual war.
In USA, terrorists are tried in military courts and punished swiftly. Mind you, USA is one of the world’s leading democracies. Russia cannot claim that honour, but when it comes to handling terror, Putin had demonstrated extreme commitment when he carpet-bombed Chechnya relentlessly for a month to finish off Islamic terrorism once and for all on Russian soil.

Our real problem lies in the lack of that courage and determination. We are driven by a romanticist attitude of peace, love etc when what we actually need is a strategic culture. When Nehru proposed Panchsheel – five principles for peaceful coexistence – to Chou En-lai, Mao retorted by saying what we needed was ‘armed coexistence’.

That is what is meant the strategic cultural difference in thinking. It is not about any doctrine alone. It is more about the culture. We simply don’t have it. The last known leader to have thought in terms of a comprehensive strategic cultural doctrine was Chanakya when he asked the ruler of Patna to go and befriend the rulers of the Republics in today’s Afghan-Iran border thousands of miles away. There were kings like Shivaji who had used strategic wars to secure their kingdoms, but a strategic doctrine leading to a strategic culture was last developed by Chanakya in Artha Shastra, which we no longer follow.

Let me give you a simple example to buttress my point: in order to secure its borders from the Mongol invaders in the North the Qing dynasty in China had built the Great Wall of China – a thousands-of-km-long wall around its central territory after 13th Century. India was invaded by successive waves of hordes for more than 2000 years through one mountain pass called the Khyber Pass. Why has no Indian king ever thought of sealing that pass to prevent the invasions?

That is where the difference in strategic cultures stands. That is why we can’t even seal our borders with Bangladesh. Even if we post our BSF men there, we give them clear orders that they cannot fire on the infiltrators even at night.

For us to really shed off this Soft State image we need to transform our cultural outlook about our security, sovereignty and national honour. We need a new strategic culture in our country.

RSS Leader Ram Madhav meets advocate Ujjwal Nikam

Mumbai November 22, 2012: RSS senior functionary Ram Madhav today met popular lawyer a special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam. It was a friendly meet. On meeting Nikam, Ram Madhav said in twitter, “I Met Ujjwal Nikam, the efficient lawyer whose hard work sent Kasab to gallows n manu criminals to jail. A humble down to earth man very affable”.

Ujjwal Nikam

Ujjwal Nikam was also the Public Prosecutor in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks wherein the main accused Ajmal Kasab was held guilty and sentenced to death. As a lawyer, Nikam is popular for being Public Prosecutor in various cases like 1993 Bombay blasts, Gulshan Kumar murder case and Pramod Mahajan murder trial. In December 2010, Nikam represented Govt. Of India in the world wide convention on terrorism held by United Nations, New York. Nikam was also nominated by Govt.of India for participating in the seminar held at Heague on 13 March 2011 by International Center for Counter Terrorism.

This morning, Ram Madhav, has expressed his opinions on Kasab hanging by an article  Please click the following link ti find Ram Madhav’s article.

Sarhad Ko Pranam: “सरहद को प्रणाम – 2012″ राष्ट्र जागरण का एक अनुठा कार्यक्रम

जोधपुर 23 नवम्बर 2012: “सरहद को प्रणाम – 2012″ राष्ट्र जागरण का एक अनुठा कार्यक्रम। इस अनूठे कार्यक्रम के द्वारा भारत की सम्पूर्ण जमीनी सरहद जो की 15106.7 किलो मीटर है , पर देश के प्रत्येक जिले से नवयुवको की टोलिया 19 से 23 नवम्बर 2012 तक सीमाओ पर जाकर सैनिकों , प्रशाशन एवं आम जन से संवाद सम्पन्न किया।

Patriotic Volunteers of the team Sarhad Ko Pranaam from Jodhpur Nov-23-2012

यह कार्यक्रम फोरम फॉर इंटिग्रेटेड नेशनल सिक्योरिटी (FINS) द्वारा आयोजित किया जा रहा है , राजस्थान में सीमाजन कल्याण समिति ने इस कार्यक्रम को सम्पन्न किया है।
जोधपुर में हुई प्रेस वार्ता को फिन्स राजस्थान चेप्टर के अध्यक्ष जे पी मिश्रा  सेवानिव्रत आई पी एस अधिकारी तथा उपाध्यक्ष ब्रिगेडीअर वी डी  निर्वाण ने संबोधित किया। फिन्स के सदस्य गजेन्द्र सिंह शेखावत ने फिन्स के बारे में विस्तृत रूप से बताया।

10000 से अधिक की संख्या में देश के नानाविध भाषाभाषी व् जाती, पंथ व् डालो के युवको ने इस अनूठे कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लिया। देश के 800 से अधिक जिलो के युवको ने 469 के लगभग सीमा चोकियों पर जाकर संवाद करने एवं प्रत्यक्ष सीमा देखने का अति उत्साहपूर्ण कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न किया और वे अब अपने घरो को लौट रहे है एक न भूलने वाला अनुभव लेकर।

इन सीमा चौकी से पूर्व सभी देशभक्त युवा 88 के लगभग निर्मित आधार शिविरों पर 19 नवम्बर को एकत्रित हुए थे। इसी क्रम में राजस्थान के चार सीमान्त जिलो पर यह कार्यक्रम संपन्न हुआ।
बीकानेर जिले के गंगाशहर  में आधार शिविर में कुल 13 राज्यों के 32 जिलो से 225 युवाओ ने 14 तोलिया बनाकर भाग लिया। प्रत्येक टोली में 10 से 13 राज्यों का प्रतिनिधितव रहा। सभी टोलिया  आवश्यक प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त कर 8 खाजूवाला  क्षेत्र, 6 बज्जू क्षेत्र से 20 नवम्बर को पैदल यात्रा प्रारंभ की। 22 नवम्बर सायंकाल 4 बजे तक सभी टोलियों ने 15 से 25 किलोमीटर की पैदल यात्रा द्वारा जनसंपर्क किया। दोपहर 11 बजे सभी टोलियों ने अपने अपने सीमान्त क्षेत्र में मानव श्रंखला निर्मित की। इस यात्रा के द्वारा सभी युवको ने जन संपर्क किया उन्हें एक सन्देश वितरित किया तथा संकल्प सूत्र बांधकर ग्रामवासियों के साथ देश रक्षा का संकल्प लिया . सभी धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक स्थानों पर जाकर संकल्प के साथ यह शपथ ली की देश के सीमायें अब एक इंच भी कम नहीं होने देंगे। सभी टोलियों ने प्रात : राष्ट्र ध्वज तिरंगा को लहराकर राष्ट्र गान के साथ अपनी अपनी यात्रायें प्रारंभ की।
अपनी सीमाओं पर देशवासियों की सीमा के अन्दर, बाहर  और सीमा पर नज़र होना यह सुरक्षा, सम्मान समृधि , अखंडता एवं एकता के लिए अत्यंत मतःव्पूर्ण है। सीमा से प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार हम सरकार एवं प्रशासन को सचेत करने व् कदम उठाने हेत सावधान करते है की सर्कार अपने दायित्वों को पूर्ण करे जिससे अब एक जन भारतीय मरे नहीं और न ही एक इंच भारत कटे व् घटे।
1. चारो तरफ बढ़ रही विदेशी घुसपेठ, आतंकी, नक्सल एवं हथियारों के आवागमन पर रोक लगे।
2. जमीन पर तैयारी हेतु सीमान्त के गाँव जांव में सर्कार की और से प्रशासन के साथ सजीव संपर्क में रहते हुए ग्राम सुरक्षा समितियों का गठन किया जाये। जिन्हें सुरक्षा हेतु प्रशिक्षित कर तैयार रखा जाये।
3. सैनिक, अर्ध सैनिक बल व् कानून व्यवस्था से जुड़े लोगो को खतरे से निपटने हेतु आधुनिक एवं प्रभावी प्रशिक्षण हो।
4. संसद के दोनों सत्रों में पारित व् एक मत दोनों प्रस्ताव क्रमश: 14 नवम्बर 1962 एवं 22 फरवरी 1994 के संसदीय संकल्प को याद  रख सरकार  चीन तथा पाकिस्तान आदि के कब्जे में एक एक इंच भारतीय भू-भाग को खाली करवाने की योजना का प्रारूप बनाकर उसपर कार्यवाही करे।
5. राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षा नीति का अभाव देश की सुरक्षा, स्वंतंत्रता एवं अखंडता के लिए भारी खतरा है।
6. हमारी सीमाए व सीमाजन के हौसले बुलंद करने हेतु आवश्यक है की सीमाओं से पलायन व् उदासी दूर हो।  इसके लिए विकसित (यातायात, जल, प्रकाश, शिक्षा, कृषि व् रोजगार), जागरूक (पर्याप्त सैनिक , अर्ध सैनिक बल एवं जनता की ग्राम सुरक्षा समितियां ), स्वस्थ्य (उपचार हेतु अस्पताल ), एकजुट (जाति , पंथ, भाषा व् दल से ऊपर उठा हुआ) सीमा एवं सीमावासी हो . इसके लिए केन्द्रियाकेंद्रिया एवं सम्बंधित प्रान्तों में विशेष सीमत आयोग का गठन करना चाहिए। हमारी सीमाए किसी भी हालात में पिछडी , अविकसित व् आपसी झगडे वाली न हो।
7. विदेशी घुसपेठियों , आतंकी, नक्सल , अलगाववादी व् मतान्तरण वादी, सर्वपंथ  समभाव  याने राष्ट्रीयता व् खुशाली के दुश्मन है उन्हें सर्कार पीला नहीं बल्कि दण्डित करे ताकि भयग्रस्त व् कमजोर सत्ता नहीं बल्कि कुशल एवम  मजबूत सत्ता का संकेत इन ताकतों को मिले। इससे हम कूटनीति के मेज पर हरने वाला नहीं बल्कि विजयी याने अपने हितो की रक्षा करने वाले देश के रूप में पहचाने जायेंगे।

Kanupur: RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat says ‘Govt should pass a bill on Ram Mandir in Ayodhya’.

Kanpur November 24, 2012: Saints associated with Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas are mulling to launch a movement at the upcoming Maha Kumbh Mela to press the government for construction of a temple at Ayodhya, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said today and assured his organisation’s full support to it.

Mohan Bhagwat was in the city to take part in a RSS function.

Speaking at the function he said, “The government should pass a bill in Parliament paving way for the construction of a grand temple in Ayodhya.”

But the possibility of passage of a bill for the purpose is bleak and we will support the movement being contemplated by a high-powered committee of saints.

“In the next Maha Kumbh, saints are thinking to launch a campaign so that a pressure could be built up for construction of temple in Ayodhya,” Bhagwat said.
RSS will extend its support to the movement and our cadre will work with full strength to covert it in into a mass movement, he said.

The matter is still pending in Supreme Court and chances are that it will not be resolved soon, Bhagwat said adding that both the communities should contribute in building the temple. (Inputs from Business Standard )


कानपुर। संघ की 87 वर्ष की आयु में जो कार्य बढ़ रहा है। उसका कारण संघ का लगातार सत्य पर चलना। संघ का कार्य राष्ट्र के लिये सर्वांगींण विकास के लिये चलता चला आ रहा है। हम सरकार पर निर्भर नहीं हैं, हमें राष्ट्रभक्त समाज का समर्थन प्राप्त है। राजनीति मत से चलती है संघ नहीं। भारत के चारों ओर जो देश हैं, जिसमें चीन, पाकिस्तान लंका, वर्मा, अफगानिस्तान, पाकिस्तान को छोड़कर बाकी सब देश हमारी ओर देख रहे हैं। पाकिस्तान हमारा हमेशा विरोधी देश रहा है। अपने देश में चारों ओर विकराल परिस्थितियाँ दिखती हैं पर उससे ज्यादा देश के अन्दर अच्छाइयाँ हैं। हमारे देश की संस्कृति हैं, दोनो हाथों से कमाओं और हजारों हाथों से बांटो। आज आजादी को 65 वर्ष हो गये परे देश की स्थिति वैसी ही बनी हुई है। उसका दोषी कौन है ? जब तक सज्जन शक्ति का एकत्रिकरण नहीं होगा। तब तक अनुकूल परिवर्तन आने वाला नहीं है। देश में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के दोषी हम और आप और हमारी शिक्षा है। बच्चों को महापुरुषों के जीवन से परिचय कराना, बच्चों के साथ समय देना, बच्चों को संस्कारित करने का काम हमने छोड़ दिया है जिसका परिणाम समाज में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार है।
संघ का स्वयंसेवक अपनी रुचि के अनुसार किसी भी क्षेत्र में कार्य करने के लिए स्वतंत्र है। वह किसी भी राजनीतिक संगठन के लिए कार्य कर सकता है। यह विचार राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरसंघचालक परमपूज्यनीय मोहन भागवत जी ने रागेन्द्रस्वरूप आडीटोरियम, सिविल लाइन्स, कानपुर में आयोजित ‘प्रबुद्धजन गोष्ठी’ में नगरवासियों का उत्तर देते हुए रखे। उन्होंने कहा कि बहुत से ऐसे संगठन हैं जिनमें संघ के स्वयंसेवक कार्य कर रहे हैं। जिन संगठनों में स्वयंसेवक प्रभावशाली होते हैं, उनमें संघ के विचारों का प्रतिबिम्ब दिखता है। स्वयंसेवक अपनी इच्छानुसार इन संगठनों का चुनाव करते हैं। स्वयंसेवक होने के नाते वे समय-समय पर हमसे मार्गदर्शन एवं सहायता लेते रहते हैं। किन्तु इन संगठनों की प्रथक कार्यप्रणाली होती है। संघ का उसमें कोई भी हस्तक्षेप नहीं होता है। इसी प्रकार राजनीति में स्वयंसेवक किसी भी दल को चुनने के लिये स्वतंत्र होते हैं। स्वभाववश वे ऐसे दल में जाते हैं, जहाँ राष्ट्रभक्ति की प्राथमिकता हो। स्वयंसेवक भाजपा सहित शिव सेना आदि विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों में कार्य कर रहे हैं। वर्तमान प्रधानमंत्री जब वित्तमंत्री थे। तो संघ के कुछ स्वयंसेवक राष्ट्रजागरण के अन्तर्गत उनको संघ का साहित्य देने केे लिये गये। मनमोहन सिंह ने कहा कि संघ वाले हमेशा भाजपा का समर्थन करते हैं, उन्होंने कभी हमारा समर्थन नहीं किया। इस पर स्वयंसेवकों ने कहा कि आपने कभी हमसे समर्थन मांगा ही नहीं तो हम कैसे देते? मनमोहन सिंह ने इस सत्य को स्वीकार किया।
अयोध्या में राममन्दिर पर पूछे गये प्रश्न का उत्तर देते हुये सरसंघचालक जी ने कहा कि राम मन्दिर पर कोई भी निर्णय संतों की उच्चाधिकार समिति करती है। अयोध्या में राम मन्दिर बनाने के लिये संसद में इस पर कानून बनना आवश्यक है। इसके लिये जनजागरण करना होगा। सम्भवतः प्रयाग के महाकुम्भ में इस पर कुछ निर्णय हो सकता है। संत समाज इस पर जो भी निर्णय लेगा। संघ पूरी ताकत से इसमें सहयोग करेगा।
इसी प्रकार असम से जुड़े प्रश्न का उत्तर देते हुये भागवत जी ने कहा कि असम में दो प्रकार के घुसपैठिये हैं; एक जो किसी समस्या के कारण भारत में आये हैं, दूसरे बिना किसी विशेष कारण भारत में आकर बस गये हैं। इन घुसपैठियों को राजनीतिक दल वोटों के लालच में समर्थन कर रहे हैं जिसके कारण समस्या और विकराल होती जा रही है। न्यायालय ने इस समस्या का समाधान बताते हुये कहा है कि बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों को पहले ढूंढे़, चिन्हित  करें, उसके उपरान्त उन्हें बांगलादेश भेज दें। जब तक यह नहीं हो जाता है। उनके लिये अलग शरणार्थी शिविर बनाये जायें और  उनका खर्चा बांगलादेश सरकार से लिया जाये।
देश का युवा संघ की ओर आकर्षित हो रहा है। वह अनेक प्रकल्पों के माध्यमों से हमारी विचार धारा से जुड़ रहा है। युवाओं को जहाँ अच्छा दिखता है वहाँ वो पहुँच जाता है। देश के कई महानगरों में रात्रि शाखाओं में युवा बड़ी संख्याओं में आ रहे हैं। विद्यार्थी शाखायें बढ़ रही हैं। उनके आद्यतन विकास के लिए आईटी (तकनीकी) प्रशिक्षण तक की व्यवस्था संघ कर रहा है।
माननीय क्षेत्रसंघचालक ईश्वरचन्द्र जी प्रान्त संघचालक वीरेन्द्र जी कार्यक्रम के अध्यक्ष के0 बी0 अग्रवाल मंच पर उपस्थिति थे। मंचासीनों का परिचय कुंज बिहारी जी ने दिया। इस कार्यक्रम का मुख्य रूप से आनन्द जी प्रान्त प्रचारक, प्रान्त कार्यवाह ज्ञानेन्द्र जी सचान, विमल जी, मुकेश जी खाण्डेकर, अरविन्द जी, भवानी जी आदि उपस्थिति रहे। कार्यक्रम में विभाग संघचालक माननीय अर्जुनदास जी ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया कार्यक्रम का समापन वन्देमातरम के साथ हुआ।

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Parampujya Madhav Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Sansthan, Bhilwada

Source: Seva-English          

Giving a new credible dimension to cow rearing 

$img_titleIndia has been a predominantly agrarian country. Cow and its progeny occupied an important place in agriculture and socio-religious life of people in India since ages. Fertilizers are obtained from cow dung often. Similarly, cow milk and yoghurt, ghee etc. prepared from cow milk was also in use of the people. Experience and experiments confirmed the medicinal values and use of panchagavya – a combination of cow milk, yoghurt, ghee, cow dung and urine. All this led to cow occupying a very sacred, religious place in Indian society.

But the increasing use of machines following industrial revolution, also affected the field of farming. Slowly animals were replaced with machines like tractors, and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides went on increasing. This reduced the importance of cow and its progeny in agriculture. Today, rearing cows has become more cumbersome for the farmers owing to a lot many factors. Though the medicinal values of panchagavya are still relevant, it cannot b e established in today’s market economy. It is here the Bhilwada-based Parampujya Madhav Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Sansthan is playing an important role in re-establishing the lost glory and importance of cow in present-day Indian agricultural and socio-economic and religious milieu.

Panchagavya is used as base in many medicines. This Sansthan has decided to carry out further research in this direction. Cow urine is considered sacred in our culture not because of religious importance attached to cow but it has been proved medically that with consumption of cow urine many poisonous elements in our body are destroyed or rendered useless. Cow urine is also used in treatment of some diseases including cancer. Tablets have been manufactured from cow urine to kill its offensive smell. Bhasma from Cow dung, multani mitti and haldi are used for making bathing soaps. Besides this, some 42 medicines are prepared from cow dung which can resist diseases. Efforts are on to get these medicines patented with the help and guidance of scientist like Dr Vijay Bhatkar.

The research carried out at Sansthan proved that just being in company of cows helps the individuals. With this observation, arrangements are made for the people to conduct ‘sapta-gopradakshina’ (going round the cows). This especially helps the expectant mothers.

Fertilizer is produced with use of cow dung, cow urine and left over of the cattle fodder. Effective pesticides are produced with the mixing of neem leaves and cow urine in an earthen pot which is buried under the earth for some time to allow proper and perfect mixing.

With the success rate at this sansthan, the people from nearby areas have taken up once again cow rearing and using them in farming practices. This is the success of the project. 

ContactParampujya Madhav Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Sansthan
Sanskriti Mandir, 10, Ashok Nagar
Bhilwada- 31 10 10
(Rajasthan, Bharat)
Phone- 01482-223536, 271027 

How to reach
Air route:
Nearest air port is Udaypur. Udaipur-Bhilwada distance is 167 km. One can take a taxi or bus to reach Bhilwada.
Rail route: Bhilwada is well connected by rail route with Vadodara, Ajmer, Jaipur, Kanpur, Patna, Gwalior, Luck now, Delhi, Jodhpur and other places.
Land route: State transport and private buses are available from nearby places to Bhilwada.

Street Children Project, Delhi by Seva Bharati

Source: Seva-English    
undefinedPerhaps the flagship project of Delhi Seva Bharati is the ‘Street Children Project’. Children who used to dwell on streets begging for bread are now living a life filled with self-respect at Sewa Bharati's Keshav Sewa Kendra. Their lives are enlightened by education and they have understood the real meaning of life. It is housed in Keshav Sewa Kendra, Dilshad Garden, Delhi on the other bank of the river Yamuna. It was started to provide education as well as some vocational training to children of poor slum or pavement dwellers.

undefinedAbout 6,000 people reside in this colony and most of them are rickshaw pullers, labourers, beggars, sweepers, etc. Many children also struggle for bread along with their parents. Some kids dance as jokers at traffic signals, some are engaged in boot polish, some sweep the streets while some just beg on roads.

After one year’s coaching some of these children got admitted in nearby Government or Corporation schools.

undefinedThese children are oriented to develop finer values of life and adopt healthy habits. Stress is laid on cleanliness and punctuality, prayers, group songs, and yogasanas.

They are also told about the cultural panorama of our society and stories of patriotic sons and daughters of Mother Bharat are also told to them. They develop good relations with their friends and pay respects to their parents and teachers. They, thus develop reverence for cultural values. All these positive results have convinced the organizers of the need to expand the facet of social work.

The efforts of these street children have been appreciated by the society on a number of occasions. Even Delhi Chief Minister Sheela Dixit rewarded the children for their creativity.
undefinedAt present this project is run at six places with an enrolment of 450 children from the nearby slums. Ministry of Women and Child Welfare supports this project financially by providing 90 per cent grants while Sewa Bharati adds 10 per cent contribution.

undefinedThese centers are located at:-
1. Keshav Sewa Kendra, Dilshad Vihar, Kalandar Colony, Delhi- 110095
2. Lal Bagh Jhuggi Colony, Under Shahdara Fly Over, Shahdara, Delhi- 110092
3. 6/389, Khichripur, Delhi- 110091
4. Basti Vikas Kendra, Chitra Vihar, Delhi
5. Maharana Pratap Sewa Kendra, East Gokul Puri, Delhi-110094
6. Saraswati Bal Mandir, Jhandewalan, Near Jhandewalan Mata Mandir, Delhi-110055.

undefinedThe programs Seva Bharati plans for the future include creation of Care Center in various extensions in other slums or sewa bastis as they prefer to call; identifying areas which have concentration of neglected children; non-formal education centers; vocational and job-oriented training; comprehensive personality development programs and camps and, awareness building with regard to consequences of drinking, drugs etc.

The vision that works behind this unique project is ensuring physical, mental and moral sound health and well being of every child; inculcating in them cultural values and molding their character; strengthening the relationship of children with other children, his family and the community and, restoring the children’s relationship with their own families when required and when possible.

undefinedAt present, Seva Bharati makes arrangements for free education to these children; provision of school uniforms and other educational material and needs; training in skills, crafts and arts and health supervision and training.

The motto of this project is “We care for our own children. Can we step in and help a few homeless children? This will make our own children more considerate and responsive towards society,”

In our country the number of children in slums is increasing day-by-day. There is every possibility that given the environment of the slums, these children are likely to fall prey to the anti-social elements and become a threat to the society. As responsible citizens, there is definitely a lot we can do for them. We could step in and embrace these children and help them lead a life we dream for ourselves. These children are future of our country and could contribute greatly if given an opportunity. This is the rationale and motive behind starting this Street Children Project.

Seva Bharati (Street Children Project)
Keshav Sewa Kendra, Dilshad Garden
Delhi- 11 00 95
(New Delhi, India)
Phone: 011-022112004

RSS ABKM Resolution-2: Need for a Comprehensive National Security Policy vis-a-vis China

 Chennai November 4; 2012: On the third and concluding day of Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal Baitak, the one of the highest body for policy formulation and decision making, RSS has passed another major resolution on national security issue and expressed deep concern on national security policy with China.

 Need for a Comprehensive National Security Policy vis-a-vis China

On the eve of 50 years of China – Bharat war of 1962, the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal pays rich tributes to the thousands of brave soldiers who had laid down their lives in that war trying to defend our country’s borders. Countless stories of inspiring chivalry have been buried under the glaciated battle fields of the Himalayas in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh alongwith the bodies of those brave soldiers. Even after 50 years bodies of some of those soldiers are being found on the mountains.

Our soldiers were made to fight a war in which they were ill-equipped and grossly outnumbered by the enemy. What is most unfortunate is that in its ignoble attempt to hide its failures, the then political leadership of the country also suppressed the courage and sacrifice of these brave soldiers. The ABKM appeals to the nation to respectfully remember their valour and sacrifices.

The RSS ABKM reiterates its solemn and firm commitment to the integrity of Bharat. The outcome of the war of 1962 remains a sad memory for the nation. We lost around 38,000 sq. km of our territory to the Chinese aggressors in that war. The Aksai Chin region continues to be under Chinese control. Our Parliament had passed a unanimous resolution on 14 November 1962 swearing to take back every inch of the territory occupied. However, the ABKM notes with regret that instead of working towards that objective the Governments are engaged only in legalising the LAC in the name of border talks. On its part, China has not stopped its invasion after 1962. It continues to nibble away our territory through endless incursions along all the three sectors of the Bharat-Tibet border.

It is universally acknowledged that the debacle of 1962 was essentially the making of the political and diplomatic leadership of our country. Warnings by several eminent people including Sardar Patel and Sri Guruji were unheeded to by the then leadership which went about with its romantic world view totally ignoring the ground situation. China had annexed Tibet first and then launched aggression on our territory. Unfortunately, the facts of the Bharat – China war of 1962 are still hidden in the South Block cupboards. It is most unfortunate that successive Governments have refused to declassify key documents like the Henderson Brooks – PS Bhagat Report. The ABKM demands that the report be immediately declassified so that the nation would be benefitted by the knowledge of the blunders committed while the political, diplomatic and military leadership too would be able to learn many a lesson from those mistakes.

China has strategically built and upgraded its border infrastructure along Bharat-Tibet border that includes a network of air bases, missile launching pads, cantonments and other physical infrastructure. The ABKM calls upon our Government that in view of the enhanced threats from the aggressive manoeuvres of China along the border Bharat also should invest adequately in border management and security preparedness.

The demand of the Armed Forces to develop special Mountain Strike Corps is still hanging fire due to lethargy and red tape in the Government. Modern wars are not necessarily fought only on the borders. We need to develop comprehensive military technological superiority keeping in view the rapid strides China has made in this field. While we can take pride in our advances and successes in missile technology we are still dependent in a big way on imports for major military hardware.

The deep penetration of China in vital sectors like energy, information and communication technology, industry and commerce in Bharat and its designs to divert our river waters are a serious cause of concern.

The ABKM underscores the threat from China in the field of cyber technology and communications. China has invested heavily in developing strong cyber warfare capability using which it can cripple the technological capabilities of even the advanced countries like the US. Those countries are also concerned about this threat from China and are taking counter measures. While our advances in hi tech areas are noteworthy the ABKM urges the Government should give necessary importance to augmenting our cyber-security capability also.

Bharat has always strived to maintain good relations with various countries. About two decades ago we exhorted a new Look East Policy thereby trying to establish closer relations with countries to our East and South-East. We have all along been the champions of peace in the world. In order for us to achieve these lofty ideals the ABKM urges the Government that it should learn lessons from the 1962 experience and give highest priority to developing a comprehensive national security policy vis-a-vis China.

RSS ABKM Resolution-1: Violence in Asom and Nationwide Challenge of Bangladeshi Infiltrators

Chennai November 3; 2012: RSS Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal Baitak, the one of the highest body for policy formulation and decision making, has passed a major resolution today at Chennai, on national security issue and expressed deep concern on Bangladeshi ifiltration to India.

Delegates participating in RSS National Executive Meet, Chennai November 3, 2012

Resolution No. 1

Violence in Asom and Nationwide Challenge of Bangladeshi Infiltrators

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal strongly condemns the July 2012 violence perpetrated by the Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators in the Kokrajhar, Chirang and Dhubri districts of Asom, the violent demonstrations organized in various parts of the country and the conspiracy to terrorize the people of North-East living in different parts of the country to flee from their places and considers all these acts as a serious challenge to the country.  Continuously growing infiltration in the Asom and nearby areas has created state of a serious crisis.

The infiltrators have settled in large numbers in all the four districts of Bodoland Territorial Area District (BTAD) which was created as a result of an agreement with the Central and State Govts in 2003. These infiltrators have vitiated the social, cultural, natural, economic, religious and political environment over there with far reaching consequences.  Muslims had called for a bandh on May 29, 2012 demanding reservations in the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).  The unconstitutional assurances of providing reservations to Muslims, given by some political parties of the country flared up the situation. The situation went beyond control after the brutal murder of four Bodo youths by the Muslims on July 20, 2012. In the violence that followed, as per Govt records Ninety persons were killed and four lakhs were displaced into relief camps.  Large number of infiltrators are staying in these relief camps, they need to be identified and deported. From this point of view, the resolve of several organizations of Asom, expressed from common platform, of not allowing rehabilitation of these infiltrators is praiseworthy.

Dr.Krishna Gopal , Joint General Secretary of RSS meet the press today. Right side Dr.ManMohan Vaidhya, All India Media Cell, lncharge, N.Sadagopan, Tamilnadu Media Cell Incharge on the dias.

 Indeed, on account of illegal assistance and support being extended by the political parties having vested interests and the local residents having communal sympathy towards the Muslim infiltrators, these infiltrators are increasing their clout in local politics besides capturing land, forests, employment opportunities and other resources. Stern action against such elements extending assistance and support to these infiltrators is necessary.

The ABKM decries attempts to portray the Asom incidents in particular and Bangladeshi infiltrators’ issue in general as a Muslim issue. Inflammatory utterances of certain leaders inside and outside the Parliament about fresh wave of radicalization of Muslims and visit of MP’s belonging to only Muslim community to some select camps in the violence affected areas should be condemned by all right thinking sections of the society as efforts to give communal colour to the essentially natives versus foreigners issue.

People in the country are deeply concerned about the preplanned, aggressive and violent demonstrations organized by the Muslim fundamentalists in Mumbai, Prayag, Lucknow, Kanpur, Bareilly, Ahmedabad, Jodhpur, etc.  in the aftermath of Asom incidents.  Violent demonstrators in Mumbai have not only attacked media persons and citizens, snatched away arms from policemen and dared to derogate and destroy national monuments but also targetedly humiliated and manhandled women police personnel. It is even more serious that the Administration could neither anticipate such incidents nor is showing keenness to identify and punish the culprits.  The ABKM strongly condemns all these acts.

At the same time, the anti national elements began issuing, personally and through communication channels, threats to the people of North East residing in different parts of the country of vengeance after the Ramzan.  This forced people from Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad and Chennai to flee in large numbers to their homes in the North East. In this hour of crisis, thousands of patriotic persons  demonstrating highest sentiments for national integrity and sense of responsibility , stood up to provide security and all kinds of help to these fear stricken people and persuaded them not to leave their places.  That is the reason why the wave of fear did not spread to other places and the self confidence of the people of North East was restored.  The ABKM expresses hearty appreciation for all those citizens and reassures the people of North East that the whole country stands by them.  The ABKM demands from the Government to identify and bring to book such anti-national scare mongers for stringent punishment.

Inspite of the Supreme Court striking down the infiltration-friendly Illegal Migrant Determination by Tribunals Act 1983, orders of Honourable High Courts of Delhi and Guwahati for deportation of the infiltrators and senior and responsible officials repeatedly drawing the attention towards the gravity of the issue, both the Central and various State Govts motivated by their vote bank politics are only encouraging these forces, rather than acting firmly against them.  Bangladeshi infiltrators have today spread in the entire nation. These infiltrators, besides disturbing the demographic balance, are posing serious threat to the security of the country by indulging in various objectionable and illegal acts. They are involved in the circulation of fake currency, illegal trade of arms, drugs and cattle smuggling and several other criminal acts besides becoming a tool in the hands of the ISI.

The ABKM demands that the Central and State Govts, in the light of the Foreigners Act 1946 and the orders of various Courts, including the Supreme Court, should meticulously detect, deny citizenship facilities and deport all Bangladeshi infiltrators. Names of those persons who have got enlisted in the voter lists too need to be deleted immediately.   While rehabilitating the persons displaced in Asom violence, care must be taken that the infiltrators do not get resettled over there and no infiltrator gets the Adhar card. The ABKM also demands from the Govt that the work of fencing the Bangladesh border be completed without delay. The National Register of Citizens be completed systematically.

The ABKM calls upon the patriotic citizens to treat this issue as a national problem and play active role in detecting these infiltrators and deleting their names from the voter lists and also to keep in mind that engaging the infiltrators in any work assignment is not only illegal but, also a grave danger to the country.


RSS has no soft corner for anyone, no different yardstick on corruption: Datta Hosabale at ABKM

Chennai November 02-2012: RSS Joint General Secretary, Dattatreya Hosabale addressed media after the inaugural ceremnony of on going 3 day RSS national apex body meet, Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal Baitak. Dr Manmohan Vaidya, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh was present during the press briefing. 
Dattatreya Hosabale, (centre) RSS Joint General Secretary briefing the media after the nuagural session of ABKM Chennai. November 02, 2012

THE SUMMARY of Hosabale’s press briefing is given below:
The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal Baitak, (ABKM) of RSS is meeting in Chennai for the first time in history. For organizational purpose RSS has two zones in Tamil Nadu, North and South. Such a meeting is being held for the first time in North Zone of Tamil Nadu. A similar meeting was held in Kanyakumari, a few years back. All office bearers are overwhelmed by the affectionate reception given by the people of Tamil Nadu. The arrangement in spite of cyclone has been superb. They are enjoying the hospitality, weather and food of Tamil Nadu.
ABKM will be concluded on November 4, 2012. We meet two times in a year. Once in March the highest apex body meet ABPS and once between Vijayadasami and Deepavali, ABKM. We will discuss the plan for three years expansion programme. As we all know the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda will be celebrated throughout the country. Vivekananda Kendra and other organizations inspired by RSS have come together to form a celebration committee. The committee will be declared on Nov 19th at Delhi. 
The programmes will start on Dec 25th, 2012 which is a very significant day as Swami Vivekananda meditated for 3 days at the famous rock at Kanyakumari starting from this day. The programmes will be in 5 segments – Youth, Women, Intellectuals, rural area and tribal belts with the basic tenets given by Swami Ji – Thyaga and Sewa. We are going to discuss how sangh will involve in these activities. In fact the planning is going on already for six months. Each state will have a state committee and there will be an All India Committee.
RSS to pass two resolutions:
  • Resolution on the recent happenings in North East area, Assam:As we all know in the last week of July and I week of August,2012, widespread agitation happened in Bodo area due to large scale infiltration from Bangladesh.  Infiltration is continuing and has changed the demographics. In many states we find Bangladesh infiltrators residing and we can even find them in Tamil Nadu. Most of them have got voters ID and are also deciding MLAs and MPs. Recent eruption of violence is because of this tension. When violence erupted, four lakh people had to be in relief camps. Sangha Swayamsewaks have rendered necessary relief work. We want to bring this issue to the mainstream. The infiltrators should be identified and deleted from voter list. All efforts should be made to deport them back to their country.
  • Also China is girding up its loins to expand supremacy particularly in Asia. In 1962 China invaded India on 21St OCT and they packed after we had suffered a humiliating defeat. The present generation should know about the security challenge. Necessary pressure should be brought on the government of the day. Though progress has been made in internal security capabilities due to the efforts of scientists lead by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam it is not adequate compared to the preparedness of the Chinese. The meeting is going to discuss this issue and pass resolution.
  • Jan – Feb 2013: There will be Purna Kumbh Mela at Prayag. Crores of Hindus will be coming. It is a wonderful opportunity to see the huge gathering and it is planned to have discussion lead by Sadhus and Saints on Cow Protection ,Temple protection etc.,
 Once again RSS thankful to the people of Tamil Nadu and RSS volunteers from Tamil Nadu.

Questions and Answers:


1. Question: Will there be resolutions on issues related to Tamil Nadu – Mullaiperiyar, Kaveri and Sri Lanka issue.
Answer: All these issues have been discussed and in fact a resolution was passed on Sri Lanka issue some time back. Sangh does not consider this as an issue of Tamil Nadu but treats them as national issues.
2. Question: Civilizations have come through migration and people are moving all the time. How can sangh pick on infiltration from Bangladesh alone?
Answer: Though they may be from the same culture politically both Bangladesh and Pakistan are different countries. The people are different citizens. Hence the people illegally coming from the country have to be treated as infiltrators.
Whether it is possible to curb this depends on the will of the people and the will of the government.
3. Question: What will be your approach if Hindus come to this country as refugees? Will it be different?
Answer: Hindus coming from any land to India will be treated as refugees. Even to the constitution this was acceptable in 1947. For Hindus this is the only country. Hindus come here because of harassment and humiliation.
4. Question: There is a dichotomy in RSS. Hindus should be treated as refugees but others as infiltrators.
Answer: Culturally we are one. But Bangladesh and Pakistan have declared themselves as theocratic states. We have declared our country as a secular country. Hindus have no rights in those countries. They are not treated as equal. People from Bangladesh do not come here due to harassment.
5. Question: Democracy and Pluralism are the pillars of this country. Is this view not against all this?
Answer: We say that whole world is one family. Does it mean if China attacks we should consider as brother attacking us and be quiet?
6. Question: Kejriwal has attacked both BJP and Congress. What is your stand?
Answer: It is for the Congress and BJP to answer the question. Sangh has taken the stand that all those facing such allegation have to face the probe and clear themselves
7.Question: Gadkari is a swayamsewak. Will you not discuss about him in this meeting? Why you are critical of Congress on corruption what is your stand on him?
Answer: Gadkari is a swayamsewak. There can be internal discussions on the issue. Decisions on BJP matters are taken only by them. We do not interfere.
8.       Question: There was a mention of a resolution on land grabbing. Gadkari is also facing an allegation on that?
Answer: Why single out Gadkari? We are not going soft on anyone. There will be no different yardstick on corruption. Public Morality and National Integrity is supreme.
9.       Question: What do you say about the political situation?
Answer: It is very different from place to place across the country. It is difficult to say. But one thing, people of the country want a change for the better.
10.   Question: Yeddyurappa Vs Gadkari. Yeddyurappa was asked to step down but why not Gadkari?
Answer:  Yeddyurappa had to step down because after Lok Ayuktha probe. It is only media allegation in case of Gadkari. In case of Yeddyurappa it is the party that decided that he should step down.
11.   Question: There seems to be lot of politicization of society?
Answer: It is a matter of great concern. It is not good. As Dr A P J Abdul Kalam has said spiritualization is required and not politicization. It is a matter of concern that people are losing faith in political parties.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vijayadashami Speech by RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat from Nagpur

Nagpur October 24, 2012: RSS Sarasanghachalak Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressed the nation on the occasion of foundation day of RSS on Vijayadashami, at Nagpur Headquarters this morning. Turned 87, RSS was founded on Vijayadashami Day on 1925 by Dr Keshava Baliram Hedgwar.

RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressing during his annual Vijayadashami speech at Nagpur, Oct 24-2012

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, while addressing an annual gathering of Vijayadashmi celebrations here today, said any construction for the sake of the minority community should be allowed only outside the “cultural boundaries of Ayodhya”. Quoting reports, Bhagwat said, “Attempts are on to acquire a large plot of land adjacent to the Ram Janambhoomi to construct a big structure for Muslims.”

The complete speech abstract  of Mohan Bhagwat:

This day,our minds are filled with the hallowed memory of our guiding lights like Swargiya Sudarshanji. In the course of the march of victory, the memory of great heroes provides us with the inspiration to forge ahead. Vijayadasami is the festival of victory. The whole nation celebrates this festival to commemorate the triumph of humanity over savagery, the forces of good over the forces of evil. This day is marked for overcoming the limitations imposed on our efficiency and prowess by our own imaginary weaknesses and to assert our valour.

Since we can redeem our nation from its present predicaments and intricacies only through the multi-faceted efforts of the people’s strength, the peoples psyche requires such a transgression. We have demonstrated time and again our ability to do so even during our 65 years of independence. In every field of human life, including science, trade, arts, games, etc. and in the environment of competition prevalent both at the national and the international level, the examples that proclaim the acumen of Bharat, have become quite common now-a-days. In spite of this, in the current situation, the minds of people of our entire nation show the sign of anxiety, concern and, at places, even disappointment about the future. The developments during the last one year have helped only to accentuate these concerns. The security situation, both internal and at the international borders, still continue to be a matter of concern.

The promptness should be exhibited and efforts be seen to address the problems like the inadequacy of latest weapons and ammunitions, technology and other equipments and materials our armed forces require to protect our land, lack of proper roads, transport facilities to move men and material to the frontier posts, and insufficiency in communication network.

On the contrary, unnecessary controversies regarding trivial matters concerning the offices of the personnel of our armed forces are made topics of unhealthy discussions in the media that affect the morale of our armed forces. The will to achieve self-sufficiency in everything related to national security through indigenous production should be seen in our policy. No interest is shown The promptness should be exhibited and efforts be seen to address the disinterest, inefficiency and lack of coordination discernible in our defense strategy.

It is necessary to make fool-proof security arrangements to protect our national boundaries, including the islands and archipelagoes that form part of our territory.

From the point of view of security, along with the security of the national boundaries, military preparedness and protection, in the present context, our foreign policy and its execution also play a significant role. From this angle, the higher-ups in our administration had a few years ago made a much-awaited declaration of “Look East Policy.” All the South East Asian countries are aware and have accepted that their basic values and that of Bharat’s national life are the same and until recent times and even today, with reference to culture and trade, they were having close relationship with us because of business and other transactions. So, it was proper on our part to have resolved to establish friendly relationship and cooperation with all these countries. The people of those countries have also been favourable to this.

And, of course, the declaration was made with great speed and much enthusiasm. However, the tardy progress at the level of implementation has been most disheartening. The fact that China has entered the arena as a competitor with full force and preparation makes the worry at the low pace of progress on our part all the more confounded. Now we know that China has befriended Pakistan to such an extent that they have given their nuclear technology to Pakistan. And the consequences of China surging ahead of us to establish such strategic relationship with our immediate neighbours like Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka could be imagined from the angle of our national security.

More over, in all these places people of Indian origin are living in great numbers and to safeguard the interests of these people also, our foreign policy should be oriented in such away to keep these traditionally friendly countries on our side.

But certain developments that happened with the backing of our own government and administration in the last few years, have only added to the worries of the people and created a suspicion in their minds, whether our policies are formulated in the best interests of our nation or not. In Jammu and Kashmir, because of the policies pursued by the government during the last decade, terrorist activities are on a come back trial.
The areas under Pak-occupation have to be liberated; discrimination shown in administrative and developmental matters in the case of Jammu, Leh –Ladak and the Kashmir valley should be stopped forthwith and these areas must be made on par with the other parts of the country; conditions should be made favourable and secure for those Hindus to come back to the valley with honour, who were forced to flee their home and hearth; persons who took shelter in the state of J & K at the time of partitions should be granted state citizenship, but the policies adopted are further complicating he sitution.

The power crazy political parties governing at state and Centre continue with the process of ignoring the national interests and are succumbing to the pressures of foreign forces. It appears from the prevalent situation in the eastern parts of the nation that we have not learnt any lessons from our grim situation in the Northern parts caused by the progressive depletion of the nationalist Hindu population due to historical processes.

We have been repeatedly warning for the last many years against infiltration, smuggling of weapons, narcotics and counterfeit currency notes, etc. through the porous border areas of Assam and Bengal. Our intelligence agencies, High Courts and Supreme Court, and even the governors of the respective states also have tolled the warning bell from time to time against this menace. But ignoring all such warnings, for the sake of power, wrong policies have been followed and wrong decisions have been taken due to lack of a clear-cut national view, and, as a result, Northeast India has been facing problems of grave magnitude. The demographic imbalance caused as a result of infiltration has rendered the native population into in a minority,in many parts of NE Bharat and the phenomenon is stretching its hands all over Bharat. The poisonous brew of separatism and terrorism, growing there under the shade of religious conversion on a large scale, is given a new lease of life time and again because of the weak policies. The interference by expansionist

China is looming large on our northern borders. Making use of this favourable condition, terrorist organizations like Al- Qaeda are also trying to get a foothold in the area. In such a situation, only the effective presence of our armed forces and the strong moral of the people who have been living there braving the adversities remain the only substratum to ensure the security of our land and people. Before it is too late, we have to change our policies at the earliest. In our Northeastern region as also in other states of Bharat, infiltrators should be identified at the earliest and their names should be deleted from the voters list, and their ration cards, identity cards, etc. should be cancelled and necessary arrangements should be made to send back those infiltrators who are staying in our country illegally. The National Register of Citizens should be prepared in accordance with the clear-cut directions given by the courts, recording the place of birth, place of either parents or grandparents, supported by relevant documentary evidence.

Not only in the Northeast region, but elsewhere also it has been our experience that, whenever either under pressure of public opinion or as directed by the courts, to identify foreign nationals and doubtful voters becomes inevitable, both the government and the administration have, rather than identifying such people, invariably let off the Bangladeshi infiltrators and, at the same time, harassed the harmless Hindu migrants from Bangladesh, who have settled there for very many years.

We all have to clearly understand and accept that for the Hindu society world wide Bharat, which is traditionally known as Bharat only for the reason that this has been the land of Hindus, is the only land they can claim as their fatherland and their sacred land. And wherever Hindus become a minority or ineffective, even the names of such regions get changed.

If at all Hindus are forced to flee their land of residance because of persecution, they have no other place to go. So, no Hindu, from wherever he comes here, should be considered a foreigner. Either those who have recently come here from the Sindh, or those who have come from Bangladesh seeking refuge, or such hindus who have been forcibly and unwillingly made to take refuge here because of the torture or persecution they had to undergo, should get refuge in Bhatrat with love and respect. Also, it is the responsibility of the Indian government to play its role effectively to protect the interests of the Hindus all over the world.

There is one more dimension to this whole sequence. Only for the reason that the infiltrators belonged to their own religion, some quarters come forward to even justify the illegal activities being carried out by the infiltrators. People from the Northeast, staying in other parts of Bharat, either for education or vocation, were being threatened. The incident that took place at the Azad Maidan in Mumbai, has acquired notoriety. It shows that the anti-nationals who take pride in the desecration of the Amar Jawan Jyothi in Bharat in protest against the action taken by the Myanmar government against Rohingyas, continue to exist here. It is a matter of concern, anger and disgrace that as a result of the policy adopted by the very administration detrimental to the national interest, and because of the growing impudence of the anti-national fifth columnists, such forces could bring great ignominy to both the law and order machinery and the government. It is very unfortunate that, in spite of all might and preparedness, those, who allowed a free play of anti-national forces because of their defective polices, are our own people, belonging to our independent nation.

Let alone inculcating national sentiment in the society as a whole, what we witness in our own Hindustan, is that, for the sake of votes, probably out of the feeling of fundamentalism or separatism or antagonism, for the last ten years attempts are being made progressively to insult or weaken the Hindu society either through wrong policies or through deception and subterfuge. Attempts are made to tarnish the image and goodwill of our revered Acharyas by levelling concocted charges against them. Swami Lakshmanananda, who was engaged in serving the vanavasis, was murdered through a premeditated action and the real perpetrators of the crime are still at large; misuse and misappropriation of the funds and assets of Hindu temples continue unabated; an atmosphere of suspicion and imputation is being created; with an aim to malign or denigrate the Hindu beliefs, traditions or cultural values, deliberate attempts are made to raise controversies regarding the funds and assets of Trusts formed by the Hindu saints and the temples like Sri Padmanabhaswami Temple of Thiruvananthapuram. Although the majority Hindu community is very broad-minded and accommodative, attempts are still being made to bring in a legislation that defames the Hindu society and vitiates the atmosphere of amity that prevails. The very people who swear by democracy, secularism and the Constitution, have introduced reservation based on religion and are advancing the theory that the minorities have the first claim over the national assets. Political alliances are hatched with the avowed aim of launching indirect attack against the Hindu society through love-jihad and religious conversion. As a result, in the mind of the Hindu society that has been living here, practicing the national values, naturally there has been a lurking doubt whether the leadership here is representative of them and taking care of their interests and aspirations or not? The dictatorial, materialistic and fundamentalist forces and the forces of rank opportunism that have infiltrated the state governments and the Central government, who are out to destroy Hindutva and Hindustan, are engaged in yet another attempt to vitiate the atmosphere of amity. According to reports, attempts are on to acquire a large plot adjacent to the

Ramjanmabhumi so as to construct a big structure for Muslims. The construction of Ramjanmabhumi Temple is an issue pending before the court. So, making such irresponsible proposal at this juncture will amount to playing with the sentiments of the people and will result in vitiating the atmosphere of amity. Keeping in mind the judgment delivered by the Allahabad High Court on September 30, 2010, the parliament, in fact, should bring in legislation at the earliest to allow the Ramjanmabhumi Nyas to construct a majestic Ramjanmabhumi Temple, and at the same time ensuring that any construction for the sake of Muslims shall be allowed only outside the cultural boundaries of Ayodhya . This is the only way to solve the issue amicably, ridding it of all political overtones.

However, the prevailing political atmosphere in our country is not such to raise expectations of solving the issue in the best interests of the nation, without vitiating social amity. Nowhere in the world the experience of allowing big companies through direct foreign investment in the retail sector has been encouraging. So to allow foreign companies to enter in a big way in retail business by enhancing the limits of foreign direct investment to insurance sector and pension sector will, rather than bringing us any profit, ultimately result in loss of income to retailers, lesser prices to our cultivators for their produce, and price rise to consumers. Along with this, it may also pose a threat to our food security. Even otherwise, plunder of our natural resources, destruction of bio-diversity and environment in the name of development and depriving those who are dependent on these of their income and habitation, is going on unhindered. Citing the economic progress made by a small section of our society, we have been claiming that we are on the fast track of development!

However, even that progress has come down from 9 per cent to 5 per cent. And the whole nation is reeling under price rise. The gap between the rich and the poor has ever been increasing, so much so that the problem of inequality has assumed frightening proportions. God alone knows why such half-baked laws are brought in with breakneck speed with out any deliberations or discussions. Instead of such socalled reforms what are needed are real reforms. In this field, calls for well-meaning reforms in the electoral system, tax system, internal auditing, penal code are either ignored or suppressed.

The plan and direction of development currently followed by the world, is the product of a deficient thought and the result is for us to see all over. More over, this plan is being carried out according to the game plan of rich multinationals to serve their ends. And till such time we redraw our plan with an holistic approach and abreast of the times, taking into account all dimensions of life, according to our ability, necessity and capacity, we will not be able to achieve a balanced development and progress beneficial to all; nor the world will be able to emancipate itself from the incomplete and deceptive life it is presently leading.

The consequences of incomplete thought had made the lack of national and individual character in our country more pronounced and painful. The mind-boggling revelations about corruption have not come to an end yet. Many small and big agitations have been conducted demanding punishment to the corrupt, for bringing back black-money stashed away in foreign banks, and for stringent laws to curb corruption. Many Sangh swayamsevaks also have taken part in such agitations. At the same time, knowing well that corruption is on the rise because of lack of character, Sangh continues to concentrate in its work of characterbuilding. People should be made aware of need to change the system, taking care to ensure that they do not fall a prey to disappointment or develop any aversion.for the system. Or else, a situation similar to one developed in the Middle East countries in which fundamentalist and foreign forces had created almost an anarchic situation to serve their interest, would be repeated here.

Non-political, lawful and wide social pressure is the only means to eradicate corruption. For its success, we will have to bring about widespread reforms in the educational system, administrative system and the electoral process. Also, through widespread discussion and exchange of views, we will have to think of the basic as well as long-term changes to be effected in our system. The ill-effect of blindly following even now a defective and destructive pattern in our social life, is now very much before us. Increasing caste feelings and hatred, exploitation and harassment of the deprived sections of the society, the growing instances of harrasment of women due to lack of moral values, including among educated sections, rapes, female- feoticide, licentious living, murders and suicides, breaking up of families, growing antisocial activities, stress and depression in life due to loneliness, which were not seen, or only minimal in the society earlier, have become endemic now.

And time has come for us to think about system based on our eternal values, suitable to the present times to reorganise the society.

We can’t become free of fault by leaving all responsibility to politics, government and the administration. Right from our homes up to the social sphere, are we in a position to project ourselves as the perfect example of purity, lawfulness, discipline, honesty in dealings, sensitivity, etc. that form the practical and necessary ingredients for a solid national life? Let us know the basic fact that every reform starts from our own view of life and behaviour and nothing can be achieved merely through agitations.
Mahatma Gandhi has mentioned about seven social sins in one of the issues of Young India, in 1922.The seven social sins are:

  • Politics without Principles
  • Wealth without Work
  • Pleasure without Conscience
  • Knowledge without Character
  • Commence without Humanity
  • Worship without Sacrifice

This appears to be description of our present-day social and political scenario. In such a situation, it is for the forces of virtue to work in society, taking society along with them. We have to accept this challenge and move forward. Swami Vivekananda was one among the pioneers of Indian renaissance from whom great men like Mahatma Gandhi, had drawn inspiration. In the coming days, the celebrations of his 150th birth anniversary will commence. It is for us to realise his message. Becoming fearless, with self-respect and self-confidence and sterling character we will have to do penance. We have to awaken the Dharmic Bharat through our dedicated, selfless work and serving man as God without expecting anything in return.The work of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is to mould individuals filled with these qualities.

This work is the need of the hour. All of you have to actively participate in this work. Attracted by our incessant penance and unrelenting hard work, the society will rise and come forward to work together. Then, like the great Ganges rushing towards the sea overcoming all obstacles, the star of good fortune of our nation will start his journey from his horizon to zenith. So, as exhorted by Swami Vivekananda, let us “Arise! Awake! Stop not till the goal is reached!”


Earlier, the swayamsevaks performed physical drills and yoga and suryanamaskars. Nagpur Mahanagar Sanghchalak Dr Dilip Gupta proposed vote of thanks. Vidarbha Prant Sah-Sanghchalak Ram Harkare, and Nagpur Mahanagar Sah-Sanghchalak Laxmanrao Pardikar were also present at the dais.

Founder of Arsh Vidya Gurukulam, Chennai, Swami Dayanand Saraswati was the chief guest of the function held to commemorate the 88th foundation day of RSS, the organization that was formed in 1925 on the Vijayadashami Day by Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar to organize the Hindu society to make Bharat a strong, and vibrant world leader.

Deputy High Commissioner and Minister of Counselor of Singapore Johathan Tow, District Governor of Rotary International District6 3030 Dr Sanjay Meshram, BJP Nationbal President Nitin Gadkari, MLA Devendra Fadanvis Krishna Khopde, Nagpur Mayor Anil Sole, former MP Banwarilal Purohit, Rajya Sabha MP Ajay Sancheti were prominently present on the occasion.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glorious 87: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) turns 87 on today on Vijayadashami

Standing tall to its morals and principles, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) turns 87 on today, on the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami. It was founded in 1925 by K. B. Hedgewar, a revolutionary and doctor from Nagpur, as a social and cultural organization in British India.
A rare group photo of six initial swayamsevaks taken on the occasion of a RSS meeting held in 1939

RSS volunteers participated in various political and social movements including the freedom movement and the organization became the leading nationalist Hindu organization in India. By the 1990s, the group had established numerous schools, charities and clubs to propagate its ideology.

Its volunteers are also known for their role in the relief and rehabilitation work during natural calamities and for running more than 100,000 service programs in the field of education, health care, rural development, tribal emancipation, village self-sufficiency, Farming Programmes in rural India and the rehabilitation of lepers and special needs children.

It was banned by the British, and then after independence three times by the Government of India — first in 1948 when Nathuram Godse, an alleged former member who left RSS, assassinated Mahatma Gandhi; then during emergency (1975–1978); and after the Demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992.

RSS was founded in 1925 by Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, who was a doctor in the central Indian city of Nagpur. Hedgewar as a medical student in Kolkatahad been a part of the revolutionary activities of the Anushilan Samiti and Jugantar striving to free India from British rule. He had been charged with sedition in 1921 by the British Administration and was imprisoned for one year.

Hedgewar was educated by his elder brother. After matriculating, he decided to go to Kolkata to study medicine. He was sent to Kolkata by Dr. B. S. Moonje in 1910 to pursue his medical studies. There he lived with Shyam Sundar Chakravarthy and learned the techniques of fighting from the secret revolutionary organisations like the Anushilan Samiti and Jugantar in Bengal. He is said to have joined Anushilan Samiti and had contacts with revolutionaries like Ram Prasad Bismil.

Previously he was involved in such type of revolutionary activities, This fact has been disclosed by so many writers viz. C.P.Bhishikar,M.S. Golwalkar,K.S.Sudarshan and Rakesh Sinha previously. He came to believe that although the revolutionaries had immense determination, in a country of continental proportions it was impossible to instigate an armed insurrection.

After completing his graduation, he returned to Nagpur, disillusioned with the armed movement. In his memoirs, the third chief of RSS, Balasahab Deoras narrates an incident when Hedgewar saved him and others from following the path of Bhagat Singh and his comrades. Later he left the revolutionary organisations in the year 1925 and formed the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

Since Hedgewar was primarily associated with the Hindustan Republican Association so he adopted the full constitution of erstwhile HRA and implemented it forcibly in his newly established organisation RSS later on. The RSS first met in 1925 just after two months of Kakori train robbery in a small ground of Nagpur with 5-6 persons on Vijaya Dashami. After the formation of the RSS, Hedgewar kept the organization away from having any direct affiliation to any of the political organisations then fighting British rule. But Hedgewar and his team of volunteers, took part in the Indian National Congress, led movements against the British rule. Hedgewar was arrested in the Jungle Satyagraha agitation in 1931 and served a second term in prison.
The Partition of India was a very traumatic event in the young nation’s history with millions of Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims attempting to escape the violence and carnage that followed.

Noted Gandhian and recipient of the highest civilian award in India, Bharat Ratna, Dr. Bhagwan Das commended the role of the “high-spirited and self-sacrificing boys” of the RSS in protecting the newly formed Republic of India, from a planned coup to topple theJawaharlal Nehru Administration in Delhi.
Following Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination in 1948 by a former member of the RSS, Nathuram Godse, many prominent leaders of the RSS were arrested and RSS as an organization was banned on February 4, 1948.

A Commission of Inquiry into Conspiracy to murder of Mahatma Gandhi was set and its report was published by India’s Ministry of Home Affairs in the year 1970. Accordingly Justice Kapur Commission noted the following:

…RSS as such were not responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, meaning thereby that one could not name the organization as such as being responsible for that most diabolical crime, the murder of the apostle of peace. It has not been proved that they (the accused) were members of the RSS…
—Kapur Commission Report,

RSS Leaders were acquitted of the conspiracy charge by the Supreme Court of India and following an intervention by the Court, the Indian Government agreed to lift the ban with condition that the RSS adopt a formal constitution. The second Sarsanghachalak, Golwalkar drafted the constitution for the RSS which he sent to the government in March 1949. In July of the same year, after many negotiations over the constitution and its acceptance, the ban on RSS was lifted.

On January 15, 2000, a daily, The Statesman, carried a story about the RSS by A G Noorani, which depicted the RSS as the killer of Gandhi. Subsequently the Delhi unit of the RSS filed a criminal case of defamation against author of the article A G Noorani along with the cartoonist and the Managing Director of the publishing house. When two of the accused did not respond to the Court summons, non-bailable warrants were issued in their name by the Court. On February 25, 2002, Noorani wrote an unconditional apology to the court in which he regretted writing the defamatory article against the RSS. On March 3, 2002, ‘The Statesman’ also published an apology regretting the publication of the said article.

Field Marshal Cariappa in his speech to RSS volunteers said “RSS is my heart’s work. My dear young men, don’t be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services”

Liberation of Dadra, Nagar Haveli and Goa


After the independence of India, RSS was one of the socio-political organisations who aspired to liberate Dadra and Nagar Haveli from Portuguese occupation. In early 1954, volunteers Raja Wakankar and Nana Kajrekar of the RSS visited the area round about Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman several times to study the topography and also to get acquainted with the local workers who were agitating for the liberation. In April 1954, the RSS formed a coalition with the National Movement Liberation Organization (NMLO), the and Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) for the liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. On the night of 21 July, United front of Goans, a group, working independently of the coalition, captured the Portuguese police station at Dadra and declared Dadra as free. Subsequently on 28 July, volunteer teams of the RSS and AGD captured the territories of Naroli and Phiparia and ultimately the capital of Silvassa. The Portuguese forces which escaped and moved towards Nagar Haveli, were assaulted at Khandvel and were forced to retreat till they surrendered to the Indian border police at Udava on 11 August 1954. A native administration was set up with Appasaheb Karmalkar of NMLO as the Administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli on 11 August 1954.

The liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli gave a boost to the freedom movement against the Portuguese in Goa. In 1955, RSS leaders demanded the end of Portuguese rule in Goa and its integration into India. When Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru refused to obtain it by armed intervention, RSS leader Jagannath Rao Joshi led the satyagraha agitation straight into Goa itself. He was imprisoned with his followers by the Portuguese police. The peaceful protests continued but met with severe repressions. On 15 August 1955, the Portuguese police opened fire on the satyagrahis, killing thirty or so people.

Role during the 1962 Sino-Indian War


The RSS which had been keeping low profile after the lifting of the ban, earned recognition based on its volunteer work during the Sino-Indian War in 1962. RSS was invited by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to take part in the Indian Republic day parade of 1963. It along with several other civilian organizations took part in the parade. This event helped the RSS increase its popularity and its patriotic image.

Later in 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars too, the RSS volunteers offered their services to maintain law and order of the country and were apparently the first to donate blood.

Movement for the restoration of democracy


In 1975, the Indian Government under the Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, proclaimed emergency rule in India, thereby suspending the fundamental rights and curtailing the rights of the press. This extreme step was taken after the Supreme Court of India, cancelled her election to the Indian Parliament on charges of malpractices in the election. The democratic institutions were kept under suspended animation and prominent opposition leaders including Gandhian Jayaprakash Narayan, were arrested and thousands of people were detained without any charges being framed against them. RSS, which was seen close to opposition leaders, and with its large organizational base was seen to have potential of organizing protests against the Government, was also banned.Police clamped down on the organization and thousands of its workers were imprisoned.

The RSS defied the ban and thousands participated in Satyagraha (peaceful protests) against the ban and against the curtailment of fundamental rights. Later, when there was no letup, the volunteers of the RSS formed underground movements for the restoration of democracy. Literature that was censored in the media was clandestinely published and distributed on a large scale and funds were collected for the movement. Networks were established between leaders of different political parties in the jail and outside for the coordination of the movement. It said that the movement was “dominated by tens of thousands of RSS cadres, though more and more young recruits are coming”. Talking about its objectives it said “its platform at the moment has only one plank: to bring democracy back to India”. The Emergency was lifted in 1977 and as a consequence the ban on the RSS too was lifted.

Participation in land reforms


It has been noted that the RSS volunteers participated in the Bhoodan movement organized by Gandhian leader Vinobha Bhave. Vinobha Bhave had met the RSS leader M. S. Golwalkar in Meerutin November 1951. Golwalkar had been inspired by the movement that encouraged land reforms through voluntary means. He pledged the support of the RSS for this movement. Consequently, many RSS volunteers led by Nanaji Deshmukh participated in the movement. But Golwalkar has also been critical of the Bhoodan movement, on other occasions for being reactionary and for working “merely with a view to counteracting Communism”. He believed that the movement should inculcate a right and positive faith in the masses that can make them rise above the base appeal of Communism.



RSS does not have any formal membership. A Hindu male can become member by joining the nearest ‘Shakha’, which is the basic unit. Although the RSS claims not to keep membership records, it is estimated that the organization has 6 million members.



The Sarsanghchalak (Sanskrit: सरसंघचालकः) is the head of the RSS organization. The individuals who have held the post of sarsanghchalak in this organisation are:

  • Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar (founder), also known as Doctorji (1925–1930 & 1931–1940)
  • Shri Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, also known as Guruji (1940–1973)
  • Shri. Madhukar Dattatraya Deoras, also known as Balasaheb (1973–1993)
  • Prof. Rajendra Singh, also known as Rajju Bhaiya (1993–2000)
  • Kuppahalli Sitaramayya Sudarshan (2000–2009)
  • Dr. Mohan Madhukar Bhagwat (21 March 2009 – till date)
The position is decided through nomination by predecessor. The current Sarsanghachalak of RSS is Dr. Mohan Madhukar Bhagwat.

“Shakha” is Hindi for “branch”. Most of the organizational work of the RSS is done through the coordination of shakhas or branches. These shakhas are run for 1 hour in public places. In 2004, more than 60,000 shakhas were run throughout India. However the number of Shakas has fallen by over 10,000 since the fall of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led government in 2004.
The shakhas conduct various activities for its volunteers which include physical fitness activities through yoga, exercises and games. It has other activities which emphasize on qualities like civic sense, social service, community living and patriotism. The volunteers are trained in first aid and in rescue and rehabilitation operations. The volunteers are also encouraged to get involved in the developmental activities of the village or locality.

Significance of the Symbol


The emblem that has been chosen is the Bhagawa Dhwaj(saffron flag), which brings before the eyes the living of the ancient, sacred and integrated national life in all its pristine purity and entirely crossing all superficial barriers of province, sect, creed, cast, language and custom. Since times immemorial, it has been the symbol of Indian dharma, the Indian culture, Indian traditions and ideals. It has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the penance of yogis and sacrifice of heroes and symbolised the dreams of countless millions of the land all through the ages.In short, it has been the highest, the noblest and the truest symbol of our nationhood.

IT Milan


For swayamsevaks who work in information technology (IT) related sectors another form of Shakha is set, called as “IT Milan”. These are weekly meetings unlike the regular Shakhas which run daily. IT Milans are observed in many IT cities in India – Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune. There are as many as 3,000 techies in Bangalore who meet regularly this way. This 60–90 minutes weekly gathering includes a Prayer, Surya Namaskara, Yoga, games, song and sermon. IT Milans are user friendly; the prayer is available as a printout, usually everyone is addressed in English, and there are enough people to aid newcomers on the Surya Namaskara and seven yoga asanas. These exercises have been designed for IT professionals who suffer from chronic lower backache due to long hours at computers. It also helps that their employers respect their RSS links. Games are played during the Milan to relieve tension in the minds of IT Swayamsevaks and foster team spirit. An IT Milan also serves as a forum for discussion on various issues of national and international importance.



The mission of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been described as the revitalization of Indian value system based on universalism and peace and prosperity to all. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the worldview that the whole world is one family, propounded by the ancient thinkers of India, is considered as the ultimate mission of the organization.

But the immediate focus, the leaders believe, is on the Hindu renaissance, which would build an egalitarian society and a strong India that could propound this philosophy. Hence, the focus is on social reform, economic upliftment of the downtrodden and the protection of cultural diversity of the natives in India.[58] The organization says, it aspires to unite all Hindus and build a strong India, which could contribute to the welfare of the world. In the words of RSS ideologue and the second head of the RSS, M S Golwalkar, “in order to be able to contribute our unique knowledge to mankind, in order to be able to live and strive for the unity and welfare of the world, we stand before the world as a self-confident, resurgent and mighty nation”.

In Vichardhara (en.Bunch of Thoughts) M. S. Golwalkar affirms the RSS mission of integration as:

RSS has been making determined efforts to inculcate in our people the burning devotion for Bharat and its national ethos; kindle in them the spirit of dedication and sterling qualities and character; rouse social consciousness, mutual good-will, love and cooperation among them all; to make them realise that casts, creeds and languages are secondary and that service to the nation is the supreme end and to mold their behaviour accordingly; instill in them a sense of true humility and discipline and train their bodies to be strong and robust so as to shoulder any social responsibility; and thus to create all-round Anushasana in all walks of life and build together all our people into a unified harmonious national whole, extending from Himalayas to Kanyakumari.
— M. S. Golwalkar

Golwalkar also explains that RSS does not intend to compete in electioneering politics or share power. He asserts that there is no place in RSS for any hatred or opposition towards any particular caste, creed or party. The movement considers Hindus as inclusive of Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, tribals, untouchables, Veerashaivism, Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, etc. as a community, a view similar to inclusive referencing of the term Hindu in the Indian Constitution.

Sangh Parivar


Organizations which are inspired by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s ideology refer themselves as the members of the Sangh Parivar. In most of the cases, pracharaks (full-time volunteers of the RSS) were deputed to start and manage these organizations. The organizations within the Sangh include the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Vanbandhu Parishad, Rashtriya Sevika Samiti, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Vidya Bharati, Seva Bharati and many others spread in all parts of society. Numerous other Hindu organizations take inspiration from the RSS’s philosophy.
RSS has never directly contested elections, but supports parties that are ideologically similar. Although RSS generally endorses the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), yet at times had refused to do so due to difference of opinion with the party. Also, RSS is open to support any political party that subscribes to its views.
Of late, the volunteers of the RSS have also held prominent political and administrative positions in India including the Prime Minister of India, the Vice President of India, the Home Minister and Ministers in the Central Government, Governors and Chief Ministers of various states and the members of elected bodies at the state and the national level and also the Indian ambassador to the US

Social service and reform


The RSS has advocated the training of Dalits and other backward classes as temple high priests (a position traditionally reserved for Caste Brahmins and denied to lower castes). They argue that the social divisiveness of the Caste system is responsible for the lack of adherence to Hindu values and traditions and reaching out to the lower castes in this manner will be a remedy to the problem. The RSS has also condemned ‘upper’ caste Hindus for preventing Dalits from worshipping at temples, saying that “even God will desert the temple in which Dalits cannot enter”

Christophe Jaffrelot finds that “there is insuficient data available to carry out a statistical analysis of social origins of the early RSS leaders” but goes on to conclude, based on some known profiles that most of the RSS founders and its leading organisers, with exceptions were Maharashtrian Brahmins from middle or lower class and argues that the pervasiveness of the Brahminical ethic in the organisation was probably the main reason why it failed to attract support from the low castes. He argues that the “RSS resorted to instrumentalist techniques of ethno-religious mobilisation – in which its Brahminism was diluted – to overcome this handicap.” However Anderson and Damle 1987, find that members of all castes have been welcomed into the organisation and are treated as equals.

During M. K. Gandhi’s visit to RSS Camp accompanied by Mahadev Desai and Mirabehn at Wardha in 1934, he was surprised by the discipline and the absence of untouchability in RSS and commented “When I visited the RSS Camp, I was very much surprised by your discipline and absence of untouchablity.” He personally inquired to Swayamsevaks and found that they were living and eating together in the camp without bothering to know their castes.

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar while visiting the RSS camp at Pune in 1939 observed that Swayamsevaks were moving in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the cast of others. In his address to the Swayamsevaks, he said that ” This is the first time that I am visiting the camp of Sangh volunters. I am happy to find absolute equality between Savarniyas (Upper cast) and Harijans (Lower cast) without any one being aware of such difference existing.” When he asked Dr Hedgewar whether there were any untouchables in the camp, he replied that there are neither “touchables” nor “untouchables” but only Hindus.

It is noted that RSS is taking a lead role in providing the education to people of rural India and socially backward classes living under the extreme poverty.

Relief and rehabilitation


This is a long and continuous tradition with the RSS. The RSS was instrumental in relief efforts after the 1971 Orissa Cyclone and the 1977 Andhra Pradesh Cyclone.

An RSS-affiliated NGO, Seva Bharati, has adopted 57 children (38 Muslims and 19 Hindus) from militancy affected areas of Jammu and Kashmir to provide them education at least up to Higher Secondary level. They have also taken care of many victims of the Kargil War of 1999.

Natural calamities


The RSS assisted in relief efforts quite extensively during the 2001 Gujarat earthquake. They helped rebuild villages. They “earned kudos” from many varied agencies and sources for their actions. For instance, in the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, K. Srinivas, District Collector of Ahmedabad, Indian newsmagazine Outlook and India Today reported:

This is an old tradition in the RSS. To be the first at any disaster strike: floods, cyclone, drought and now quake. In Kutch, too, the RSS was the first to reach the affected areas. At Anjar, a town in ruins, the RSS was present much before the Army took the lead in finding survivors and fishing out the dead.
K. Srinivas, District collector, Ahmedabad

Literally within minutes RSS volunteers were at the scenes of distress. Across Gujarat, the (RSS) cadres were the saviors. Even as the state machinery went comatose in the first two days after the quake, the cadre-based machinery of the Sangh fanned out throughout the state. Approximately 35,000 RSS members in uniform were pressed into service.
It is conceded by even their worst detractors that the RSS has been in the forefront of the non-official rescue and relief (operations). This has led to an upsurge of goodwill for the Sangh
—India Today,
Seva Bharati conducted relief operations in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Activities included building shelters for the victims, providing food, clothes and medical necessities. The RSS assisted relief efforts during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the subsequent tsunami.

In 2006, RSS participated in relief efforts to provide basic necessities such as food, milk and potable water to the people of Surat, Gujarat who were affected by massive floods in the region.

The RSS volunteers carried out massive relief and rehabilitation work after the floods ravaged North Karnataka and some districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh.

According to Cho Ramaswamy, the editor of Tughlaq magazine, the RSS-sponsored Sewa Bharati did yeoman service following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, despite a lack of formal acknowledgment.

Protection of Sikhs during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots


RSS helped protecting Sikhs during 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots. Sikh intellectual and author of ‘A History of the Sikhs’, Khushwant Singh, credits members of the RSS with helping and protectingSikhs who were being targeted by members of the Congress(I) political party during the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots.

RSS has played an honorable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Delhi and in other places It was the Congress (I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days. No less a person than Atal Bihari Vajpayee himself intervened at a couple of places to help poor taxi drivers.
—Khushwant Singh,

Discrimination against RSS volunteers


Many cases have been reported in post-independence India where RSS volunteers have been discriminated against by the government due to their allegiance to the RSS. In a court case of a teacher who was dismissed from service due to his past links with the RSS, the Supreme Court labeled the government’s action as “McCarthyism” and a “violation of fundamental rights”.

A municipal school teacher, Ramshanker Raghuvanshi, was dismissed by the Congress government of Madhya Pradesh in 1974, which stated that he had taken “part in the RSS” activities and hence was “not a fit person to be entertained in Government service”. The Supreme Court dismissed the arguments of the government and said that the government had not adhered to the provisions of the Indian Constitution. The Supreme Court bench consisting of Justice Syed Murtuza Fazalali and Justice O. Chinnappa Reddy observed that “India is not a police state” and pleaded that the “promise of fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution not become a forgotten chapter of history”. Delivering the landmark judgment, the Court observed that “seeking a police report on person’s political faith”, in the first place, “amounted to the violation of fundamental rights”. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the municipal teacher and ordered his reinstatement.

Similar observations were made by the High courts of different provinces of India in different cases of political persecution of RSS volunteers. One case involved Ranganathacharya Agnihotri, who was selected for the post of Munsiff but was not absorbed into service as he had been a volunteer of the RSS in his past. When Agnihotri approached to the then High Court of Mysore (nowKarnataka High Court), he was reinstated. The Court observed:

Prima facie the RSS is a non-political cultural organization without any hatred or ill will towards non-Hindus and that many eminent and respected persons in the country have not hesitated to preside over the functions or appreciate the work of its volunteers. In a country like ours which has accepted the democratic way of life (as ensured by the Constitution), it would not be within reason to accept the proposition that mere membership of such peaceful or non-violent association and participation in activities thereof, will render a person (in whose character and antecedents there are no other defects) unsuitable to be appointed to the post of a Munsiff.
—Karnataka High Court,

The RSS also has been banned in India thrice, during periods in which the government of the time claimed that they were a threat to the state: in 1948 after Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, during the Emergency (1975–77), and after the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition. The bans were subsequently lifted, in 1949 after the RSS was absolved of charges in the Gandhi murder case, in 1977 as a result of the Emergency being revoked, and in 1993 when no evidence of any unlawful activities was found against it by the tribunal constituted under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.


Field Marshal Cariappa in his speech to RSS volunteers said “RSS is my heart’s work. My dear young men, don’t be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services”

Dr Zakir Hussain the former President of India once told to Milad Mehfil in Monghyar on November 20, 1949 “The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organization from RSS.

Noted Gandhian leader and the leader of Sarvoday movement, Jayaprakash Narayan, who earlier was a vocal opponent of RSS had the following to say about it in 1977 “RSS is a revolutionary organization. No other organization in the country comes anywhere near it. It alone has the capacity to transform society, end casteism and wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor.” He further added “I have great expectations from this revolutionary organization which has taken up the challenge of creating a new India”